"We Are There and Here" is a zine that explores the profound experiences of international residents navigating the complexities of homesickness and belonging. Through a series of conversations, combined with theoretical insights, this zine delves into the role of food as a significant conduit to reorient one's sense of home. Discover the diverse stories and emotions of those on the margins of society, as they form connections and find solace in a foreign environment. This zine documents the research conducted for the "We Are There and Here" edition of Homesick Restaurant, situated in Leeuwarden.
Editor: Lu Lin
Graphic design: Sixin Zeng
Proofreading: Jens van der Duim
Researcher: Tanyatorn Lau
Production: Yuewen Dang
Many thanks: Heike Renee de Wit Chongjin Chen
Distributor: Jesse Presse